"Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world."
We, at the Biassou Foundation, believe that every student, regardless of his/her economic circumstance, has the potential to impact the community in which they live in tremendous ways if given the opportunity. For this reason, we are dedicated to providing educational opportunities through academic institutional capacity building in developing countries for students in STEM related fields who are focusing on healthcare careers.
The Biassou Foundation, which is partially funded by the Wesner M. Biassou MD Charitable FUND, has provided partial funding grants for medical educational missions to Haiti by non-governmental organizations. We also currently support a newly established 4 year undergraduate School of Radiologic Sciences at the State University of Haiti in Limonade, a campus located in the outskirts of the northern city of Cap Haitian, Haiti's second largest city.
The Foundation's support of the undergraduate radiological sciences e-learning program includes in-depth interdisciplinary curriculum development, providing adequate program implementation via donations of educational and IT materials and facilitating institutional faculty support .